Petrobras makes oil discovery in ultra-deepwater in Sergipe-Alagoas Basin

Petrobras has confirmed the presence of good quality oil and gas in the BM-SEAL-10 block, in ultra-deepwaters in the Sergipe-Alagoas Basin, Brazil. This block is part of the SEAL-M-499 concession, fully operated by Petrobras.
The discovery occurred during the drilling of 1-BRSA-1088-SES (1-SES-168) well, known as Moita Bonita and located in a water depth of 2,775 meters.
Located 85 km off the coast of the city of Aracaju, the well is 35 km southwest of the Barra accumulation, where the 1-SES-158 well was drilled, which revealed the first meaningful gas discovery in ultra-deepwaters in the Sergipe-Alagoas Basin. Also in this basin, on 22 August, Petrobras completed the drilling of the extension exploratory well of Barra, the 3-SES-165 (Barra 1), which also holds oil and is located 30 km off the Moita Bonita well.
The Moita Bonita discovery was verified by signs of oil identified through log analysis and with fluid samples recovered by cable testing.
From the 5,070 meters depth, a hydrocarbon column of 300 meters was verified, in which 52 meters are formed by porous sandstones that carry light oil, gas and condensate.
The company will continue to perform studies in the area, which includes the analysis of data from rocks and fluid obtained from this well.