NOIA: US Gulf of Mexico oil production leads with lower GHG emissions intensity

In a new study (“The GHG Emission Intensity of Crude Oil and Condensate Production“), the National Ocean Industries Association (NOIA) said that the greenhouse gas intensity of US oil production, particularly in the US Gulf of Mexico (GOM), is significantly lower compared with most other regions around the world.
The report found that total US oil production has a carbon intensity 23% lower than the international average outside of the US and Canada. The GOM has a carbon intensity 46% lower than the global average outside of the US and Canada, outperforming other nations like Russia, China, Brazil, Iran, Iraq and Nigeria. Using the largest crude category from the GOM (API Gravity 37.5), instead of similar crudes from outside the US and Canada, could result in a 50% reduction in the average international carbon intensity.
“The world needs both climate solutions and a growing amount of energy, and we don’t have to choose between the two,” said NOIA President Erik Milito. “The Gulf of Mexico produces a massive amount of energy with a remarkably small footprint, and its continued success is critical for our energy security, national security, and energy affordability. This study validates the importance of the US Gulf of Mexico as a source of energy with demonstrably lower carbon intensity barrels.”