Pantheon Resources spuds Megrez-1 well

Pantheon Resources has spudded the Megrez-1 well to explore the eastern topsets in the Ahpun field, immediately adjacent to pipeline and road infrastructure on Alaska’s North Slope.
The reservoir sections to be targeted are both younger and shallower than in any of Pantheon’s previous Alaskan wells, with superior reservoir characteristics predicted. The Megrez-1 well will target three topset horizons, which Pantheon estimates to contain an aggregate 2U Prospective Resource of 609 million barrels of ANS Crude (oil, condensate & NGLs) and 3.3 trillion cu ft of natural gas.
Pantheon contracted the Nabors 105AC rig, which the company has used in previous drilling campaigns, to drill the Megrez-1 well. Construction of the gravel pad next to the Dalton Highway was completed in October, and the pad can be used year-round to support future drilling and development activities.