IOGP-sponsored human factors survey seeks participants online

The International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP) is sponsoring a survey to assess the current extent and use of non-technical skills behaviors in well operations teams. Non-technical skills are the cognitive, social and personal resource skills that complement technical skills and safety performance. The employment of these skills in high-hazard industries reduces the potential for errors occurring, but if errors do arise, then those involved can mitigate and manage the situation. Non-technical skills include situation awareness, decision-making, communication, teamwork, leadership and stress management.
The goal of the survey is to provide results for IOGP to provide guidance and assistance to organizations to embed the necessary non-technical skills, behaviors and attitudes in well operations teams to improve future approaches to improving safety.
Key roles being targeted by the survey are: drillers, toolpushers/senior toolpushers and drilling supervisors. Representatives of these roles are asked to complete an anonymous survey online.
To participate in the survey, click here.