API publishes standard on 3D printing for polymer-based components

The American Petroleum Institute (API) announced the publication of a new standard on additive manufacturing, also known as 3D printing. The standard, which covers 3D printing for polymer-based components used in oil and gas, is aimed at increasing operating efficiency, easing supply chain issues and helping to reduce emissions.
“This new standard highlights the industry’s success in leveraging new technologies and innovations to improve operations while supporting sustainability efforts,” said Alexa Burr, API Vice President of Standards and Segment Services. “Additive manufacturing can bring significant efficiency improvements that will help the industry meet the world’s demand for natural gas and oil.”
API Standard 20T, “Additively Manufactured Polymer-Based Components for Use in the Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries,” specifies requirements for qualification in the manufacturing process, production, marking and documentation of 3D printed polymer-based components used in the industry.
The standard also provides guidance on how to test and document the material properties for the 3D printing of polymer-based components and introduces three additive manufacturing specification levels that define technical, quality and qualification requirements.
Additive manufacturing can help the natural gas and oil industry improve efficiency and productivity, cut lead times and supply chain stress, and streamline transportation and logistics because additive manufacturing takes place near the point of use.