Ventura Offshore awarded contract for DS Carolina

Ventura Offshore Holding Ltd. was awarded a new contract with PetrPetrobras for the deployment of the ultra-deepwater (UDW) drillship DS Carolina to the Sepia and Atapu fields located in the Santos basin, offshore Brazil.
The contract totalizes approximately $363 million for the 910-day firm contract term and includes $26 million for mobilization payments and an extension option by Petrobras for additional 305 days. The DS Carolina is expected to operate under this contract for approximately 2.5 years during its firm term, or 3.5 years assuming the extension option is exercised, commencing after the end of the current contract.
DS Carolina is currently under contract with Petrobras until Q2 2026. Afterwards, it will undergo essential contract preparation works and class inspections before commencing operations under the new contract.
DS Carolina is a 6th generation ultra-deepwater DP drillship capable of drilling in water depths of up to 10,000 ft and has a drilling depth capacity of up to 40,000 ft.
Petrobras holds a 65.7% stake in the shared Atapu field, a 55.3% stake in the shared Sépia field and is the Operator in both areas.