Statoil signs three-year contract for Stena Don semi

Statoil has contracted Stena Drilling’s Stena Don semisubmersible to drill on the Norwegian continental shelf (NCS). The contract value is US$437 million over a period of three years.
The dynamically positioned rig was also under contract with Statoil from 2001 to December 2009. “We have long experience with Stena Don, and we look forward to continuing the cooperation with this rig,” Anders Opedal, head of procurements in Statoil, said.
According to Stena Drilling, the Stena Don is a harsh-environment semi that is outfitted for drilling operations in water depths up to 1,640 ft, although deeper-water operations can be achieved by using additional subsea equipment. The vessel complies with current Norwegian regulations.
The schedule of work for the rig is being considered by relevant licenses on the NCS.