BP Video outlines Macondo relief well status
Click here to view BP video describing progress of the relief wells is now available. A telephone media briefing on this subject by Kent Wells, BP senior vice president, Exploration and Production. Original presentation made on 28 June, 2010. BP says that the first relief well, which started drilling May 2, has reached a measured depth of 16,546 ft and has successfully completed a second ranging run using specialist equipment inserted into the well to help more precisely locate the MC252 well. Drilling and ranging operations will continue over the next few weeks as the well progresses towards the target intercept depth of approximately 18,000 ft. Once intercept has occurred, operations are expected to begin to kill the flow of oil and gas from the reservoir by pumping specialized heavy fluids down the relief well. The second relief well, which started May 16, is at a measured depth of 12,038 ft. Both wells are still estimated to take approximately three months to complete from commencement of drilling.