SLB awarded contract for all Petrobras offshore fields in Brazil

SLB was awarded a new contract by Petrobras for integrated services across all offshore fields operated by Petrobras in Brazil. SLB will oversee the construction of more than 100 deepwater wells, utilizing advanced drilling, cementing and drilling fluids technologies on up to nine ultra-deepwater rigs.
The services will primarily be provided in the Campos, Santos, and Espírito Santo Basins, along with other Petrobras-operated fields, including exploratory wells. Operations in the Equatorial Margin are also planned, pending exploration license approval within the three-year contract period commencing April 2025. Much of the technology and equipment to be deployed will be sourced locally.
Technologies to be deployed under the contract include transition technologies such as SLB’s Ora intelligent wireline formation testing platform and SpectraSphere fluid mapping-while-drilling service. The Ora platform provides real-time reservoir characterization. SpectraSphere provides accurate pressure measurements, performs downhole fluid analysis, and acquires high-quality samples while drilling.