PPL makes hydrocarbon discovery in Shah Bandar Block

Pakistan Petroleum Limited (PPL) made a third discovery of gas and condensate from its exploration well Pateji X-1 in the Shah Bandar Block, District Sujawal, Sindh.
PPL operates the Shah Bandar Block with a 63% working interest with Mari Petroleum Company Limited (32%), Sindh Energy Holding Company Limited and Government Holdings (Private) Limited (each holding 2.5%).
After thorough geological and geophysical evaluations, Pateji X-1 was spud on 11 October 2024, and successfully drilled to a depth of 2,475 m (measured depth) to target the hydrocarbon potential in the Upper Sands of the Lower Goru Formation.
Drilling results, coupled with log data, confirmed the presence of hydrocarbon-bearing zones. During testing, the well demonstrated an encouraging flow rate of 11.7 million scfd gas and 198 barrels per day (bbl/d) of condensate under a wellhead flowing pressure of 2,578 psig at a 32/64” choke from the Lower Goru Upper Sands (D-Sand).