ORLEN discovers new gas field in Polish province of Poznań

Siedlemin, a new gas field, was discovered at a depth of approximately 3 km as part of a joint project of and ORLEN Upstream Polska. The exploration drilling was carried out by Exalo Drilling, a company of the ORLEN Group. After production tests, the field’s reserves were estimated at over 235 million cu m of natural gas.
The Siedlemin field is located in an area with promising prospects for hydrocarbon production, as confirmed by the results of previous exploration work and other gas discoveries in the region, including Radlin, Klęka, Klęka E, Roszków, and Chwalęcin.
ORLEN plans to continue exploring for additional resources in the area, benefiting from the region’s well-developed production and transmission infrastructure, which reduces the time and costs involved in the launch of production from new fields.