NPD confirms significant oil discovery for Aker BP in North Sea

The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD) confirmed a recent discovery from Aker BP at the well 25/2-24 S in the Norwegian North Sea. Preliminary calculations of the Øst Frigg Beta/Epsilon discovery show 53-90 million recoverable BOE, and the overall resources in the Yggdrasil area have increased to more than 700 million bbls. With a total depth of 8,168 m, Aker BP said the well was the longest exploration well drilled offshore Norway.
“We’re talking about a total increase in resources of approximately 10%. This means further improved profitability in the development and increased value creation from Yggdrasil. Many years of very good work over several years is behind this discovery from the team. I’m very proud of what we’ve just delivered,” said Yggdrasil Lars Høier, Senior VP of Aker BP.
Aker BP first reported the discovery on 25 May. At that point, the drilling was nearly complete, and it was clear that the company had made a significant oil discovery. On Friday, the projected volume was increased further.
The Øst-Frigg Beta/Epsilon wildcat well has a vertical main track and three horizontal sidetracks. The Saipem-owned Scarabeo 8 semisubmersible started drilling in April. The first sidetracks were drilled in the Beta structure to prove oil and appraise the discovery. The sidetrack to Epsilon was the last one.
Most of the Beta well was used to reach the Epsilon structure. The last casing was landed in the reservoir and drilling of the horizontal section towards Epsilon started. The results were promising, and the drilling continued towards the Gamma structure. Over a period of two weeks, the team drilled more than 6,000 m, openhole and horizontally, in the reservoir to collect geological data.