North Sea Chapter recognizes HSE excellence
Winners of the IADC North Sea Chapter (NSC) Annual Safety Awards were announced during a ceremony on 15 May at Ardoe House Hotel, Aberdeen. Chapter chairman Steve Rae, Seawell, welcomed nearly 400 guests who joined him to recognise and celebrate the efforts of IADC members as they strive toward HSE excellence.
Mr Rae reviewed the implications of the recent helicopter tragedy and commented, “Let’s remember the ultimate goal we have set ourselves as an association – ‘incident-free operations’ each and every day.”
Claus Hemmingsen, Maersk Drilling, also spoke in his capacity as 2009 IADC chairman. The “industry speaker” for the evening was Bob Keiller, CEO of PSN, co-chair of the Oil & Gas UK Board and chair of the Helicopter Issues Task Group.
Safety Awards winners were:
• Jackups over 1 million manhours: Noble Drilling.
• Jackups under 1 million manhours: Rowan Drilling.
• Semisubmersibles over 2 million manhours: Transocean.
• Semisubmersibles 1-2 million manhours: Stena Drilling.
• Semisubmersibles under 1 million manhours: Noble Drilling.
• Platforms: Seawell.
Merit Awards
• Outstanding safety performance over 5 years: Visund Platform, Odfjell Drilling.
• Outstanding safety performance over 4 years: Brent Delta Platform, Seawell.
• Outstanding safety performance over 4 years: Kvitebjorn Platform, KCA DEUTAG.
• Environmental Award: Diamond Offshore.
Associate Member Awards:
• Weatherford UK for its Stabberless Single Joint Elevator.
• Chairman’s Special Award: Grampian Police Family Liaison Team.

NSC Annual Safety Award winners:
Back row, from left, are Dave Walls, Transocean; Kenny Dey, Seawell; Gunn Ekenberg Sondervik, Seawell; Tom Gravemaker, Noble Drilling; Paul McKay, Diamond Offshore; and Jon Bryce, Odfjell Drilling. Front row, from left, are Rune Lorentzen, KCA DEUTAG; Ian McCartney, Weatherford UK; Jamie Rawson, Rowan Drilling; Neil Wilson, Rowan Drilling; DI Rona Grimmer, Grampian Police Family Liaison Team; Iain Mitchell, Stena Drilling; and Steve Coghill, Noble Drilling.