News Cuttings

IADC DrillingIn video series features wellbore hydraulics, hole cleaning book
As part of the IADC Technical Publications Committee’s DrillingIn book review series, Chairman Fred Growcock interviewed author Mark S. Ramsey in July about his book, “Practical Wellbore Hydraulics and Hole Cleaning.” The book presents explanations, equations and descriptions important for wellbore hydraulics, including hole cleaning. Topics such as the impact of temperature and pressure of fluid properties are covered.
Click here to watch the DrillingIn book review series interview with Mark S. Ramsey.
IADC releases new training program for H2S management in drilling
IADC is introducing a new training program, H2S Safe, geared toward individuals who have the potential to be exposed to H2S or an H2S environment. H2S (hydrogen sulfide) is a highly toxic and extremely flammable gas that can be encountered during drilling operations.
The program, which took more than a year to create, aims to satisfy an industry need for a drilling-specific H2S training standard. It consists of a core curriculum and H2S Safe Plus, an optional add-on supplement. Four classroom hours are required for teaching the H2S Safe curriculum. An additional classroom hour is required if adding H2S Safe Plus.
Course length for the program excludes the knowledge assessment time. Instructor-led training (both in person and virtually) for the initial and repeat delivery of this course is required. Skill demonstration and knowledge are both incorporated into the course content.
The program meets and exceeds the ANSI standard as it pertains to drilling.
Click here to learn more about the H2S Safe program.
IADC welcomes Ghanaian delegation to Houston HQ
On 11 July, a delegation of representatives from Ghana’s Takoradi Technical University (TTU) visited IADC’s Houston headquarters to learn more about the association’s accreditation programs and the student chapter program. Pictured, from left, are Mike DuBose, IADC; Reverend Professor John Frank Eshun, Vice Chancellor, TTU; Brooke Polk, IADC; John Bentil, TTU Dean of Engineering; and Kwame Acheampong, President of Ghantex.
PDEU student chapter hosts career development webinar
On 15 July, the IADC Student Chapter at Pandit Deendayal Energy University (PDEU) hosted a webinar, “Campus to Corporate: Evolution of Mindsets.” During the webinar, Reddimi Sai Sampath Reddy, Flow Assurance Engineer at Wood, shared his insights and experiences on transitioning from academic life and developing the skills and mindsets required for success in the corporate world.
Mr Reddy discussed the importance of a clear vision and goal for career and personal growth, as well as the value of networking in building a professional brand and reputation.