News Cuttings
Driller’s Knowledge Book available via IADC Bookstore

Written for experienced drillers, the Drillers Knowledge Book provides never-before-published solutions to common drilling problems and methods to continually improve efficiency during drilling. The book covers all aspects of drilling, including well design and construction, hydraulic optimization, rock mechanics, drilling fluid processing and more. It focuses on field-proven techniques and procedures necessary for a drilling rig to drill at its maximum potential, while eliminating trouble time and costs that delay drilling and increase risks.
Click here to view a video with the book’s authors, Dr Leon Robinson and Juan Garcia
IADC Lexicon updated to include new WCI terms
The IADC Lexicon, a free online repository of definitions of commonly used industry term, was recently updated with 10 new terms drawn from the Well Control Institute (WCI).
The IADC Lexicon provides a forum for critical review and analysis of terms used in drilling operations and production, particularly those used for regulatory purposes. It was developed in 2013 with the intent that users would use the information to influence, improve and, where appropriate, standardize the use of terminology in legislation, regulation and standards.
The lexicon contains more than 7,000 terms, 20,000-plus definitions and can be accessed for free via IADC’s website.
The mission of the WCI is to encourage safe well control practices and wellbore integrity through collaborative consideration toward advancing competency, processes, technology and best practices. It is the industry’s definitive body for all matters related to well control.

Click here to access the IADC Lexicon.
IADC Australasia Chapter issues safety performance awards during chapter’s Annual General Meeting
The IADC Australasia Chapter recognized excellence in safety in 2014 with its Safety Performance Award Program. Award winners were announced during the chapter’s Annual General Meeting held in Melbourne.
Nabors PNG was recognized with the Onshore Winners Award, and Noble Drilling was recognized with the Offshore Winners Award.
The program is open to all onshore and offshore members. In 2014, 14 of the chapter’s 17 member companies participated, resulting in an uptake rate of more than 80%, a slight improvement over the previous year.
The safety statistics for the participating companies were supplied quarterly by completing the contractor recording template and followed the 2014 IADC ISP official rules and guidelines.
An independent company was engaged to collate the data and provide the final results.
Particularly noteworthy was the exemplary safety performance for offshore operations, with zero lost-time injury frequency rate (LTIFR) across the board. Additionally, 50% of the participating facilities attained 0% days away, restricted, transfer frequency rate (DARTFR) and 0% recordable frequency rate (RCRDFR).
Overall, the general safety performance of the IADC Australasia member companies improved in every area despite an increase in hours worked.
Key statistics for 2014 are:
12,590,157 hours worked;
24 medical treatment cases;
12 lost-time incidents;
27 restricted work/transfer cases;
LTIFR – 0.95;
DARTFR – 3.10;
TRIFR (total recordable injuries frequency rate) – 5.00; and
Zero fatalities.
Click here to learn more about the IADC Australiasia Chapter.
State-of-the-art IADC WellSharp training and assessment program achieves major milestone
More than 50% of IADC’s training providers have transitioned to the new WellSharp training and assessment program. Collectively, the group is responsible for training about 80% of all trainees in the industry, with current training pass rates at 90%.
WellSharp, introduced in April 2015, is a rigorous well control training and assessment program that offers content on prevention, situational awareness, barriers and risk awareness and management. It encourages blended learning with required electronic testing to enhance the quality and value of the training.
“There were initial industry concerns that WellSharp would be too challenging, but the consistent feedback we’re getting from trainers is that, if candidates do the work, they pass,” said Brenda Kelly, IADC Senior Director, Program Development. “Trainers have noticed that WellSharp’s more robust training and testing regime improves trainee confidence when they successfully complete the course. WellSharp is producing individuals with both the knowledge to know when something’s wrong and the confidence to take the appropriate action, and that’s what we set out to do. WellSharp is a departure from how this type of training has been historically delivered. The feedback we have received thus far has been positive, and we continue to work with our industry partners to refine and sustain WellSharp as the foundation of high quality well control practice in the twenty first century.”
WellSharp emphasizes the effective delivery of the appropriate level of training for every person with well control responsibilities, whether office-based or rig-based.
“There are a lot of things that industry came up with that really put WellSharp above what we used to be doing, and we are really excited about it,” said Randy Smith, Smith Mason & Co. “WellSharp puts all training providers on a level playing field, and we have already noticed a change in student’s attitudes. They know they need to pass the test, listen, learn and study. Homework is a must now, everybody is on their own, and we are seeing success.”
“WellSharp is a fit-for-purpose well control training and assessment program for a high reliability industry. It helps to ensure that rig crews know what they need to do and have the skills to do it right, every time, all the time,” said Stephen Colville, IADC President and CEO. “The enthusiastic adoption of WellSharp so quickly and at a time of real economic challenge, shows that it delivers and industry believes in its value. It is a valuable asset for the global drilling industry and will make a powerful contribution to improved performance and safer operations for the global drilling industry.”
Click here to learn more about WellSharp.