News Cuttings

US Rep. Brady attends tax roundtable, tours rig yard
IADC members Transocean and Nabors hosted US Representative Kevin Brady (TX-8) at an IADC Tax Committee roundtable and rig yard visit in early July. At the Houston rig yard, the congressman toured a Nabors PACE-R800 rig equipped with an advanced robotic electric pipe handler.
Rep. Brady is ranking member on the House Ways and Means Committee and has been a longtime ally of drilling contractors and industry partners.
At the tax roundtable, the Congressman outlined potential upcoming changes in the US tax landscape that could affect IADC members. In addition to Transocean and Nabors, other contractors in attendance at the roundtable were Diamond Offshore, H&P, Seadrill and Vantage Drilling.
Sustainability committee to study ESG reporting
The IADC Sustainability Committee has formed a new workgroup tasked with developing ESG reporting guidance for drilling contractors. More than 15 onshore and offshore contractor companies are represented on the ESG Guidance Workgroup. Members are in the process of reaching out to standards and ratings agencies to collect input on existing reporting guidance.
The committee recently also conducted a survey of IADC member companies to understand the current ESG landscape. The survey provided the committee with contextual information to set benchmarks in the future.
The Sustainability Committee is led by two Co-Chairs: Neil Forrest, VP of Operational Integrity at Seadrill, and Jesse Hein, Environmental Manager at Patterson-UTI Drilling.
Click here to access the Sustainability Committee page.
IADC’s Matt Giacona talks energy policy with Congressman Graves, Senator Hewitt
Two members of the US Congress representing Louisiana – Congressman Garret Graves and Sen. Sharon Hewitt – recently spoke with Matt Giacona, IADC Assistant Director of Government & Industry Affairs, about new and upcoming changes in public policies that are shaping the US energy landscape. The videos are part of a new series being added to IADC’s Drilling Matters website, which provides interactive and multimedia content demonstrating the value of hydrocarbons to humanity and the fundamentals of drilling operations.
The new one-on-one Q&A sessions touch on a range of topics: infrastructure needs across the country, how the US can export its clean energy innovations, challenges around over-regulation, creating a strong STEM education, and streamlining permitting processes. DC
Click here to view the video with Congressman Graves.
Click here to view the video with Sen. Hewitt.