Zagreb 1 semi to undergo complete overhaul

CROSCO Integrated Drilling & Well Services’ semisubmersible Zagreb 1 recently entered the shipyard to undergo maintenance and service that includes the complete overhaul of all drilling equipment, the blowout preventer (BOP) overhead crane and anchor winches. The maintenance and service program is expected to be completed by October this year.
Additionally, Lloyd’s Register is performing the five-year rig survey on Zagreb 1. “Upon completion, Zagreb 1 will be fully certified and refurbished,” CROSCO president Igor Vrban said. “CROSCO is using the current unexpected lull to prepare Zagreb 1 for future drilling projects, which usually entail short deadlines upon contract award.”
The upgrade work, being performed by CROSCO’s maintenance and engineering division at the Brodo Trogir d.d. Shipyard in Trogir, Croatia, involves NDT class inspection of the hull and class inspection of the anchor winches and wires, as well as the ballast tanks and anchors. New high-pressure mud, cement, choke and kill lines will be installed. Additionally, mud pumps and electric motors will be serviced and anti-corrosion protection applied. Recertification of the BOP stack will take place in a Cameron facility.
The Zagreb 1 semisubmersible, constructed in 1977, is capable of working in water depths up to 450 meters (1,476 ft).