IADC author Sweatman honored by AADE

Ronald E. Sweatman, author of “Well Cementing Operations,” published in 2015 by IADC, was inducted into the American Association of Drilling Engineers (AADE) Hall of Fame on 12 April. Mr Sweatman was recognized “for his significant contributions to the advancement of cementing and other well services through patented technologies and numerous publications,” AADE stated. The induction occurred during the AADE 2016 National Fluids Technical Conference, held 12-13 April in Houston.
“This is a great honor,” Mr Sweatman remarked. “I am very happy to know that my industry service and technical achievements have been appreciated by the AADE and others, like IADC, SPE and API.”
“Well Cementing Operations” is the most comprehensive and in-depth treatment of cementing available. The book covers techniques and developments never before published in a single source – overview of basic well cementing theory, best practices and real-world applications, calculations and problem-solving exercises. Historically available only through experience or industry short courses, the information contained in this handbook is a valuable learning tool for readers at all levels. It was published under the auspices of the IADC Technical Publications Committee.
Mr Sweatman’s “classmates” for the AADE Hall of Fame “Class of 2016” are:
- Dr Claude E Cooke Jr: For his many contributions to cementing technology and pioneering development of hydraulic fracturing fluids, including the invention of ceramic proppants;
- Kelly B Fox: For his pioneering work on synthetic polymers for brine viscosification and friction reduction in coiled tubing and fracture fluids;
- Stephen C Polnaszek: For his field application of water-based, environmentally friendly drilling fluids encompassing shale stability, horizontal and HPHT applications, and leadership of API committee SC13;
- Arvind D Patel: For his extensive research into shale inhibition, pioneering use of amines in clay control, along with innovations in reversible invert emulsion drilling fluids; and
- Mario Zamora: For his pioneering work in hydraulics, rheology, barite sag, software development and his leadership role in the fluids industry.
The book is available through the IADC Bookstore and, in electronic format, through the IADC eBookstore.