Harsh-environment, ultra-deepwater semisubmersible SeaDragon I christened

SeaDragon I, the first of two identical Moss Maritime CS50 MK II design ultra-deepwater dynamically positioned semisubmersible units ordered by SeaDragon and managed by Vantage Drilling, was christened in a ceremony in Singapore’s Jurong Shipyard. One of the largest ultra-deepwater 6th-generation semisubmersibles capable of working in harsh-environment conditions, SeaDragon I is the first of its class to be built up from a six-column bare-deck hull. Designed for versatility and flexibility, the rig has the ability to drill 35,000 ft and operate in up to 10,000-ft water depth, with an accommodation capacity for 192 people.
The rig will now complete final commissioning and acceptance testing before its scheduled delivery in early 2011.