Atwood Southern Cross to drill well offshore Tunisia
Gulfsands Petroleum announced on 17 June that ADX Energy, operator of the Kerkouane exploration license offshore Tunisia and the adjacent Pantelleria exploration permit in southern Italy, has advised the mobilization of the Atwood Southern Cross semisubmersible to the Lambouka-1 well location on the Kerkouane license.
ADX Energy estimates that the rig will arrive on location within approximately 12 to 15 days.
Mobilization of the drilling spread, towing and supply vessels onto the Kerkouane license commenced following receipt of approvals from the Tunisian Naval authority.
Drilling of the Lambouka-1 exploration well is expected to commence in early July. Gulfsands also expects to participate in the drilling of another exploration well before the end of 2010 in the Chorbane permit onshore Tunisia.