ADX Energy starts production from Anshof-2A well

ADX Energy has commenced production on the Anshof-2A appraisal well from Eocene reservoirs within the Anshof Oil Field, located within the ADX-AT-II exploration license in Upper Austria. The well has been completed as the second oil producer in the Anshof Oil Field and tied in to the adjacent Anshof permanent production facility. The ANS-2A initial oil production rate was 70 barrels per day and a water rate of 134 barrels per day.
The initial water rate of ANS-2A is considered to be relatively high given the oil column thickness encountered in the well above the oil water contact. ADX will monitor the ANS-2A well to determine the long-term production trend over time with a view to increasing oil production.
The ANS-2A appraisal well targeted thick and high-porosity Eocene reservoirs up dip from the Anshof-2 well, which intersected similar quality reservoirs below the oil water contact. The ANS-2A well objectives were to further appraise and develop the Anshof Oil Field which was discovered by the ANS-3 well in January 2022.
The ANS-2A well encountered a 6.5-m net vertical oil column in high quality Eocene aged sandstone reservoirs within a 10-m net sand. The ANS-2A oil column compared favorably with the ANS-3 discovery well, which had a 2.5-m net oil column and has produced at stable rates averaging approximately 105 BOPD. The net oil reservoir intersection at ANS-2A is approximately 3 times that of ANS-3 well with approximately 20% higher porosity and permeability.
After the conclusion of drilling operations, the ANS-2A well was completed as a production well, a rod pump was installed and the well was tied in to Anshof PPF. Installation work has included the tie-in to a telemetry control system which enables the entire Anshof production system to operate as an unmanned facility.
ADX is the operator and has a 60% economic interest in the ANS-2A well. The additional production from the ANS-2A well increases Anshof Oil Field production to an average rate of 170 barrels of oil per day, 100 bopd net to ADX.