Technical Session 4 – Deepwater
Editor’s note: These abstracts have been edited for space and clarity. This program is current as of 15 January 2013. Additions, withdrawals and other changes to the conference program after this date may not be reflected. Click here for the most updated program.
SPE/IADC 163476
Thermal Modeling Reveals Hidden Conditions that Can Impair Wellbore Stability and Integrity, R. Mitchell, R. Sweatman, Halliburton
This paper describes thermal modeling, combined with drilling fluid analysis, which reveals concealed changes in well conditions during various drilling and completion operations. These hidden conditions represent significant changes in the well’s drilling and completion fluid temperature, pressure, and density that may help explain wellbore stability and integrity issues.
SPE/IADC 163455
Casing Design for Dual-Gradient Wells, A.J. Cantrell, Cherokee Offshore Engineering
This paper outlines factors that should be accounted for in dual-gradient casing design as compared to conventional deepwater casing design.
SPE/IADC 163410
Big Bore Expandable Liner Hangers for Offshore and Deepwater Applications Reduces Cost and Increases Reliability: GOM Case History, J. McCormick, A. Carter, Halliburton
A case history of six expandable liner hangers (ELH) in the Gulf of Mexico show consistent materials cost savings, reduced installation time, improved reliability and increased versatility over the conventional system.
This paper disseminates technical information to increase operator awareness of an additional technology. Because deepwater exploration and development wells are becoming more prevalent, solutions for decreased materials costs, reduced installation time, improved reliability and increased versatility are needed. This ELH technology assists with both increased efficiency for current operations and the ability to push the deepwater technological envelope.
SPE/IADC 163573
BOP Testing – Qualification Tests, Test Facilities and the Efficient Means of Operating Them, F.B. Springett, C. Johnson, M. Shah, National Oilwell Varco
BOP performance is in the limelight all the way from the manufacturers to governmental levels. Greater performance objectives require higher testing standards. This paper will examine the needs of a modern BOP test facility and the methods used to deliver on those needs effectively.
SPE/IADC 163462
Zonal Isolation Through Gas Hydrates Offshore Tanzania, J.S. Vølstad, T. Tveit, Statoil; P.C. Aguilar Mayorga, N. Hurtado, M. Bogaerts, Schlumberger
Deepwater cementing becomes increasingly challenging as drilling operations move to greater water depths and to more remote locations. Understanding these challenges and mitigating the associated risks in time becomes ever more important. Before the first exploration well for an operator offshore Tanzania was spudded in a water depth of 2,580 meters, an extensive analysis was performed to determine all the risks for cementing operations, especially critical was the cementation of the surface casing.
SPE/IADC 163549
Perforating Gunshock Loads – Prediction and Mitigation, C.E. Baumann, K.E. Barnard, H.A. Williams, Schlumberger; D.R. McDaniel, J.R. Cromb, Anadarko Petroleum
Most wells and particularly high-pressure wells are susceptible to gunshock damage when they are perforated with inappropriate gun systems. This paper presents a simulation methodology to predict gunshock loads for tubing-conveyed and wireline-conveyed perforating jobs. This methodology enables completion engineers to evaluate the sensitivity of gunshock loads to changes in gun type, charge type, shot density, tubing size and length, number of shock absorbers, rathole length, and placement of packers, among others.
Dear President Obama,I have been working in the Gulf of Mexico for 20 years and there has only been one major spill not to bad, How many tainrs derailed? How many planes crashed? and the planes and tainrs never stopped. We have one spill and we can no longer drill, the spill hurt us on the Gulf Coast bad enough now you want to finish us off with your de facto moratorium. I am asking you as a father of a child with Cerebral Palsy to please lift your de facto moratorium, at my present job I have good insurance and great pay so I have the means to bring my child to get the care she needs, if I loose my job I will have no means to get care for her (and no I want nothing to do with your version of health care). I like many others who have signed this letter are from Louisiana and all we want is to be left alone so we can provide for our families, I do not want any handout’s, I was raised and taught that you had to work for what you want and if you can’t afford it you shouldn’t buy it. A lot of people down here in Louisiana are hurting since you placed the moratorium, I know you are in Washington and think everything is OK but we the signers of this letter live in the real world and know the truth. I would think you would want the USA to become less dependent on foreign oil not more dependent, MAYBE NOT. Your slogan during your election was CHANGE well if you keep this up, that’s all I and many others who have signed this letter will have left in our pockets CHANGE . I hope you will lift your de facto moratorium before we all loose our jobs.