TotalEnergies evaluating flow test results for Namibian discovery

TotalEnergies netted positive drill stem test (DST) results for the Venus-1X well, the major light oil discovery on Block 2913B in the Orange Basin offshore Namibia.
Africa Oil, one of TotalEnergies’ partners in Namibia, announced that the companies are now interpreting the results of the flow test and incorporating them into the development studies, which are expected to be confirmed with the flow test of Venus-1A in Q4 2023. The Venus-1x discovery well, originally drilled in 2022, was re-entered and sidetracked by the Deepsea Mira semisubmersible. The Venus-1A appraisal well results were positive having been successfully drilled, cored and logged by the Tungsten Explorer semisubmersible, approximately 13 km north of the Venus-1X discovery well.
The Deepsea Mira rig will re-enter Venus-1A imminently to undertake a DST program. Tungsten Explorer will mobilize to drill the Mangetti-1X exploration well on a prospect located in the northern part of Block 2913B.