Through IADC, members come together to make our industry better and stronger
By Kevin Neveu, 2019 IADC Chairman
At the start of this year, I noted that IADC has a long history of bringing the drilling industry together to identify common problems and solve them in ways that enable our long-term success. As we wrap up 2019, I’m honored to have served as Chairman of IADC and particularly proud of our accomplishments that further solidify the association’s legacy.
It is an accepted fact that our industry is volatile, but I have always believed that if you work hard and deliver results, you can have a successful career in this industry.
This is a critical message that must be conveyed to those who are in the infancy of their careers, looking at our industry with a mixture of trepidation and hope that it will hold a 30-plus year career for them as it has for me and many others.
At the outset of the year, I talked about the necessity of early engagement with the younger generation, educating them on the benefits of being a member of our industry. I believe we are delivering on this initiative, with the addition of the IADC Young Professionals Committee. This group offers a space for those new in their careers to network and collaborate with their peers.
We also expanded our network of student chapters. In addition to existing chapters in Louisiana, Missouri and Texas, this year we also established a chapter at the University of Wyoming, as well as our first international student chapter at the Maharashtra Institute of Technology in India.
These chapters offer students a unique opportunity to experience our industry first-hand. They offer the very best of what IADC has to offer. Sharing practical knowledge and expertise, and providing networking and mentorship opportunities, are invaluable for students at the start of their careers.

I am also proud that, despite the many challenges facing our industry on a global scale, IADC’s membership continues to show up, to participate and find value in the activities of the association.
Conference attendance this year remained strong, proving that IADC understands the topics and issues of interest to our members.
Our members also continue to participate in the development of industry training programs and in advocacy efforts, both in the US and abroad.
Although the IADC advocacy team is small, the scope of the work they do is anything but. Examples of issues where IADC has advocated for the industry include the BSEE Well Control Rule, the Jones Act ramifications for MODUs, and IMO, ISO and API standards. On these issues and more, IADC is front and center, ensuring that the interests of both drilling contractors and the overall oil and gas industry are well represented.
IADC also continues to have a seat at the table this year with regulatory groups worldwide, from Australia to Brazil, from Denmark to the US and Mexico. Everywhere our members operate, we advocate for their interests.
Regarding competency and training, IADC is at the forefront of developing programs that redefine how we have traditionally approached training. The Knowledge Retention and Education for our Workforce (KREW) program is one example. It targets what an individual does not know and suggests targeted training to fill those knowledge gaps. It is a revolutionary way of delivering training, and IADC is leading the way.
This year, we also made significant additions to our signature well control training program, WellSharp, further solidifying it as the industry’s leading program for well control training.
IADC’s accomplishments this year are directly attributable to our thousands of engaged members, who believe that sharing their knowledge and expertise elevates the entire industry.
Your contributions to IADC’s committees, your attendance at IADC conferences, and all of the other ways you directly or indirectly make an impact on the association – I thank you for volunteering your time this year.
Sharing practical knowledge and expertise, and providing networking and mentorship opportunities, are invaluable for students at the start of their careers.
It has been a privilege to serve as Chairman. As I look forward to next year and beyond, I see abundant potential for our industry. And as IADC embarks on its 80th year in 2020, the association will continue to bring our industry together, so that we can collaborate on initiatives that will propel our industry toward a successful future. Thank you. DC