Petrobras begins extended well test at Brava

Petrobras began an extended well test (EWT) at the Brava area in the Campos Basin pre-salt last week. The Brava reservoir, believed to hold about 380 million bbl of oil, is located approximately 4,500 meters beneath the ocean’s surface under a thick layer of salt in an area known as the subsalt.
The EWT is expected to last two years and have a daily production of 6,000 bbl/day from well 6-MRL-199-RJS. The crude will be pumped to the already-producing P-27 platform in the Marlin field.
This is the fifth reservoir to produce oil in the Campos Basin pre-salt. Late last year Petrobras began the Carimbe EWT in the Caratinga concession area, and then earlier this year commenced the Tracaja EWT in the Marlim Leste concession area.