Petrobras discovers oil accumulation in the Sergipe Basin Farfan area

Petrobras has found light oil and gas in the Farfan area after drilling a well in the Sergipe Basin ultra-deep waters.
The results confirm predictions made in the region, as announced on 9 August 2013. Petrobras observed favorable permporosity conditions in the turbidities reservoirs with thickness of 54 m.
This drilling also presented a new light-oil accumulation in another deep reservoir, with 28-m thickness and promising permoporosity conditions. Well 9-SES-188D/9-BRSA-1280D-SES is located at 107 km off Aracaju, 5.7 km from the discovering well and in a water depth of 2,492 m. The well reached a final depth of 5,900 m and is under evaluation.
This accumulation is part of the Sergipe-Alagoas Basin deepwater exploration project, according to Petrobras’ Business and Management Plan for the 2014-2018 period.