Drilling & Completion News
Apache announces yet another major discovery in Block 58 offshore Suriname
Apache Corp recently announced a major oil discovery at the Kwaskwasi-1 well, drilled offshore Suriname in Block 58. This is the third consecutive discovery in the block, following the January and April 2020 announcements of discoveries at the Maka Central-1 and Sapakara West-1 wells, respectively.
Kwaskwasi-1 was drilled using the Noble Sam Croft drillship to a depth of approximately 6,645 m. It successfully tested for the presence of hydrocarbons in multiple stacked targets in the upper Cretaceous-aged Campanian and Santonian intervals.
“This is the best well we’ve drilled in the basin to date, with the highest net pay in the best-quality reservoirs,” said John J. Christmann, Apache CEO and President.
Upon completion of operations at Kwaskwasi-1, the Sam Croft drillship will move to the fourth prospect on Block 58, Keskesi, which is located approximately 14 km southeast of Sapakara West-1. The Keskesi exploration well will test oil-prone upper Cretaceous targets in the Campanian and Santonian. Apache has identified at least seven distinct play types and more than 50 prospects on Block 58.
Vår Energi set to resume Barents Sea, North Sea drilling

Norway-based independent E&P company Vår Energi announced in July that it is resuming drilling activities in the Barents Sea and the North Sea, which had been postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic and oil price collapse. The decision was made possible by temporary changes in the petroleum tax adopted by the Norwegian parliament, according to the company.
The drilling campaign involves the Saipem-owned Scarabeo 8 semisubmersible and two production wells and one water injection well on the Goliat Field in the Barents Sea. In addition, the King Prince exploration well will be drilled.
Vår Energi commended the Norwegian government’s willingness to make the tax changes, which enabled the operator to maintain activity and employment. Drilling activity in the Barents Sea is expected to resume by late autumn 2020.
Vår Energi is jointly owned by Italy’s Eni and Norwegian private equity investor HitecVision.
Mexican energy ministry calls for Zama field unitization plan
Talos Energy received a notice on 7 July from Mexico’s Ministry of Energy (SENER) instructing the partners of Block 7 and Pemex to unitize the Zama field. Talos is the operator of Block 7 in a partnership with Wintershall Dea and Premier Oil.
The Zama field extends from Block 7 into the neighboring block to the east, which is operated by Pemex; therefore, to maximize the value of the reserves, the constitution of a formal unit is required prior to the final investment decision and field development. The four parties have up to 120 business days to deliver a unitization and unit operating agreement (UUOA) to SENER for approval. The UUOA will be the governing document of the unitized consortium.
Equinor discovers gas and condensate near Kvitebjørn
Equinor and its partners Source Energy and Wellesley Petroleum have discovered gas and condensate in exploration well 30/2-5 S Atlantis. It was the first exploration well to be drilled in production license 878 and is located approximately 17 km south of the Kvitebjørn field. The well was drilled by Seadrill’s West Hercules semisubmersible, which is moving on to drill exploration well 35/11-24 S; the Swisher prospect is located in production license 248 C.
Maersk Integrator wins two 1-well contracts for 2021

Maersk Drilling recently announced two one-well contracts from Aker BP for the Maersk Integrator jackup.
Under the first contract announced in July, the rig will move to the Tambar field offshore Norway to drill the K-2B development well, with work expected to commence in February 2021. The contract has an estimated duration of 73 days. Under the second contract announced in August, the rig will move to the Ula field to drill the Ula F – Producer 1 well. The contract has an estimated duration of 85 days and is expected to commence in April 2021.