Halliburton introduces Commander Full Bore Cement Head
Halliburton has launched the Commander Full Bore Cement Head, a product that enables rotation and reciprocation of 4.5- to 6-in. production strings to help increase reliability and reduce risk during the well cementing process. Advanced wireless functionality and faster rig-up time help increase efficiency and improve safety for land-based cement jobs, particularly in unconventional formations.
It can rotate pipe during a cement job to improve cement coverage, prevent channeling, reduce communication between frac stages and help maximize production. Wireless capability allows for less cost-prohibitive equipment on site, and helps eliminate the requirement for personnel to hoist, load and manually deploy plugs on active rigs. The head prevents casing wiper plugs from being launched out of sequence and offers real-time verification that the plugs have launched successfully. This helps improve safety and efficiency while setting dependable cement barriers.
More than 100 jobs have been executed to date, with average rig-up times as fast as 30 minutes and a reduction in time personnel spend in the red zone.