DNO makes 9th discovery in North Sea core area

DNO announced an oil and gas discovery on the Ringand prospect in the Norwegian North Sea license PL923/923B. Preliminary estimates of gross recoverable resources are in the range of 2-13 million barrels of oil equivalent (MMboe) on a P90-P10 basis with a mean of 10 MMboe.
Partners Equinor (60% and operator), Petoro (20%) and DNO will consider tying back the discovery to future infrastructure in the area.
The discovery is DNO’s ninth discovery in the exploration hotspot surrounding the Troll and Gjøa production hubs since 2021, following Røver Nord, Kveikje, Ofelia, Røver Sør, Heisenberg, Carmen, Kyrre and Cuvette. Discoveries in the Troll-Gjøa area make up the largest share of DNO’s net contingent resources in the North Sea, which stood at 132 MMboe at yearend 2023.
Ringand lies in the same license as Røver Nord and Røver Sør, all three within a 25-km radius from the Troll B platform, a likely host candidate operated by Equinor. In early December, DNO announced the play-opening Othello discovery in license PL1086 (50% and operator) 40 km east of the Ekofisk hub and 55 km northeast of the Valhall hub.