Ensign rig to drill for Rodinia in Australia’s Officer Basin

Ensign Australia’s Rig #16 is being mobilized for an approximately 2,000-km journey from South Australia’s Cooper Basin to the Officer Basin to drill Mulyawara 1, the first well in Rodinia Oil Corp’s exploratory drilling program. Rodinia’s contract for the 1,200-hp Rig #16 includes four firm wells and an option for another four wells.
Mulyawara 1 is expected to spud in mid-May, and drilling is expected to take about six weeks. The well is located in the northwest corner of PEL 253 and will test a structure of about 36.3 sq km identified on seven seismic lines. The well will test five potential reservoirs, the deepest of which is the Aeolian Pindyin sandstone (also called the subsalt unit). Rodinia has an 80% working interest in the well and prospect and is the operator.