1st well of 5-well Moroccan drilling campaign commences

Circle Oil has commenced its Morocco drilling program after repairing access roads that had been damaged by winter flooding. The rig has begun drilling at the first well site in the Sebou Permit. The first well, KAB-1, is planned to be drilled to a Miocene Guebbas Sand target, with an anticipated TD at 1,360 m.
This and each subsequent well in this five-well campaign is expected to take five to six weeks per well to drill. All wells are targeting Miocene aged gas sand targets varying in depth from 900 m to 1,700 m.
As part of this campaign the DRJ-6 well, drilled in 2009, is scheduled to be re-entered and tested.
The company also provided an update this week on its Oman projects. In Block 49, the 3D seismic acquisition survey (900 sq km) has been completed along with a 2D tie line of approximately 130 km between nearby wells. The field data is being transferred for processing, and this will be followed by comprehensive interpretation in the company’s offices in the UK and Oman.
Early interpretations of the field data have indicated the potential presence of the Ara salt formation, a major productive interval in adjacent areas of southern Oman.
In Block 52, a 2D marine seismic acquisition contract has been awarded and signed with BGP Oil & Gas Services. The vessel, BGP Challenger, will acquire 5,000 km of 2D data to assist in firming up the prospect inventory within the block and is expected to undertake the survey in the latter part of Q4 this year, with field operations scheduled to be completed before year-end.