Vryhof Anchors announces several contracts for anchoring solution

Vryhof Anchors has announced contracts for its STEVSHARK REX anchoring solution with Anglo-French independent operator Perenco and its Congolese subsidiary Perenco Congo SA, Maersk Drilling in Trinidad and international EPC contractor CNGS Group. In addition, Jan De Nul Group, an offshore, civil and environmental contractor, will deploy two STEVSHARK REXs.
“In April 2017 when we launched the STEVSHARK REX, we promised that it would redefine the application boundaries of drag embedment anchors, bringing more remote areas in shallower waters, but with harder soils, into play for offshore drilling, production, dredging and construction,” said Vryhof Anchors Managing Director Leopoldo Bello. “We have a proven track record to support our claims. From the Northwestern Shelf in Australia to the Russian waters of the North Caspian Sea, and from the Northern North Sea to the Indian Ocean and the Caribbean, we are opening up areas previously considered commercially unviable with conventional moorings and anchoring solutions.”
The STEVSHARK REX contracts include:
- A contract to deliver twelve 16 mT STEVSHARK REX anchors to Perenco Congo SA to support permanent moored assets for the La Noumbi FPSO in the Yombo Field, offshore Congo. The field is characterized by an irregular seabed due to hard outcropping sediments and pockmarks – remnants of a dewatering and/or degasification processes;
- The delivery of STEVSHARK REX anchors to Maersk Drilling offshore Trinidad and the Maersk Developer semisubmersible, where the anchor has a holding power that is 47% greater than previous anchors used in the area – block E of the East Coast Marine Area;
- The deployment of STEVSHARK REX anchors to Dutch-based international EPC contactor CNGS Group in the Caspian Sea;
- A contract with Luxembourg-based Jan De Nul Group to supply two customized 26 mT STEVSHARK REX anchors and a 29.2 mT external ballast to support the Willem van Rubroeck cutter suction dredger, the world’s most powerful cutter dredger with total installed power of 40,975 kw and dredging capabilities of up to 45 m depth.
The STEVSHARK REX has undergone extensive testing in cooperation with Australian operator Woodside Energy at four different locations on the Angel oilfield in the North West Shelf of Australia. In fields, which were selected due to the presence of calcarenite – a cemented and brittle rock – all four tests were faultless with the anchor able to keep the 243mT bollard pull anchors handling tug supply vessel in position during proof load tests.