Seatrium delivers final jackup to Borr Drilling

Seatrium Limited delivered its fifth newbuild jackup Var to Borr Drilling, nearly one year ahead of schedule. This marks the completion of the latest series of five B Class jackups that Seatrium built for Borr Drilling. The first three rigs, novated by Borr Drilling to ADNOC Drilling, were delivered in 2022 and 2023, while the fourth rig was delivered to Borr Drilling in August 2024.
Var is a KFELS Super B Class jackup, designed to operate in water depths of up to 400 ft and drill down to depths of up to 35,000 ft, both vertically and horizontally. Var is equipped with an automated high-capacity rack and pinion jacking system, and its cantilever structure has a maximum combined load of 3,700 kips, with capacity to accommodate full amenities for up to 150.