Gardner Denver opens 70,000 sq ft regional repair center in Permian basin

Gardner Denverʼs Petroleum & Industrial Pumps Division recently opened a 70,000 sq ft regional repair center in Odessa, Texas. The facility is part of the company’s strategy to meet the needs of its regional customers.
“We are pleased to open our new facility to serve our customers in the Permian Basin, providing best-in-class repairs, fluid ends and parts on-demand,” said Larry Kerr, Vice President andGeneral Manager of the companyʼs Petroleum and Industrial Pumps Division. “This new facility enables Gardner Denver to deliver excellent customer service for our customers operating in this region.”
Already fully operational, the repair center features advanced testing capabilities, inside and outside, building on the proven footprint Gardner Denver has utilized with other repair centers around the US. Currently, the regional repair center employs over 50 full-time staff. Gardner Denver presently has five facilities for repair, testing and manufacturing—Quincy, Illinois; Tulsa, Oklahoma; Altoona, Pennsylvania; Fort Worth, Texas; and Odessa, Texas.
The Permian Basin regional repair and service center brings expanded capacity and best practices established at Gardner Denverʼs other regional facilities. In a June 2015 survey conducted by Welling & Company, Gardner Denver was rated No. 1 in the quality of its mud and frac pumps.
The drop in oil prices has had a profound effect on the region, which has seen nearly a 50% drop in economic activity. But with 40% of active rigs in North America operating in the Permian Basin, Gardner Denver believes this is an ideal place and time to expand the company’s aftermarket and service capabilities — and to support the loss of customersʼ in-house personnel.
“The opening of this facility demonstrates Gardner Denverʼs commitment to investing in communities, creating local jobs and serving our customers with a world-class facility focused on the highest safety and sustainability standards,” Saeid Rahimian, President and CEO for Gardner Denverʼs Energy Group, said.
The service center can repair any pump manufactured by Gardner Denver or its competitors. Repairs and builds can stay in the Permian Basin, resulting in more responsive service.
The company hosted a ribbon-cutting ceremony at the new facility on 11 November. US Representative Mike Conaway attended, along with numerous Chamber of Commerce dignitaries and representatives from Odessa, Ector and Midland counties.
“To see Gardner Denver invest millions of dollars in the region with this world-class facility is extremely exciting and we welcome them to the area,” Representative Conaway said.