IADC hosts onshore drilling 101 event on Capitol Hill, meets with lawmakers

On 12 April, IADC staff and members hosted an “IADC Onshore Drilling 101” lunch and learn event for more than 60 attendees on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. Participating IADC members were Jay Minmier, President, Nomac Drilling; Mike Garvin, Senior Vice President, Operations Support, Patterson-UTI Drilling Company; Joey Husband, Vice President Global Operations, Nabors Drilling Solutions; and Scott McKee, Contracts and Marketing Lead, Cactus Drilling Company.
The group also met with several senators and members of Congress and staff from Texas, West Virginia, North Dakota, Louisiana, Colorado, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Utah and Alaska.
“The opportunity to educate individuals creating our nation’s energy laws and regulatory policy is something IADC is proud to do. Our members believe that by providing at least a base level of understanding of how the industry functions and operates, we will aid in the more knowledgeable and efficient formation of regulation and legislation that ultimately better serves the US taxpayer and industry,” said Liz Craddock, IADC Vice President, Policy and Government Affairs. “Drilling contractors are mainly small businesses with a vital role in the upstream oil and gas industry. As such, they have a unique voice and story to tell. While in DC, we had the opportunity to meet with several senators and members of Congress to discuss the current state of the industry and our commitment to safety, and we were able to give them a better sense of who IADC’s members are and what we do.”
IADC author Ron Sweatman inducted into AADE hall of fame

Ronald E. Sweatman, author of “Well Cementing Operations,” published in 2015 by IADC, was inducted into the American Association of Drilling Engineers (AADE) Hall of Fame on 12 April. Mr Sweatman was recognized “for his significant contributions to the advancement of cementing and other well services through patented technologies and numerous publications,” AADE said. The induction took place at the AADE 2016 National Fluids Technical Conference in Houston.
“This is a great honor,” Mr Sweatman remarked. “I am very happy to know that my industry service and technical achievements have been appreciated by the AADE and others, like IADC, SPE and API.
Click here to view a video interview with Ron Sweatman
IADC members meet with Louisiana Congressman

IADC Nigeria chapter awards excellence in safety
IADC VP of International Operations Mike DuBose (right) presents Tunji Adenuga of Indigo Drilling with the award for most improved company at the IADC Nigeria Chapter Safety Awards dinner on 30 March in Lagos, Nigeria. Oando Energy Services was named overall winner.
IADC cybersecurity guidelines now available
IADC recently released new Guidelines for Assessing and Managing Cybersecurity Risk to Drilling Assets. The guidelines were developed by the IADC Cybersecurity Subcommittee, led by Chairwoman Dr Siv Hilde Houmb, Chief Technology Officer for Secure-NOK.
The guidelines are the only guidance specifically for drilling operations. They draw from international standards to provide a means to assess the risk to drilling rigs from cyber attacks. “The goal was to create easy-to-use and practical guidelines that drilling contractors could actually use on their drilling rigs,” Dr Houmb said.
The guidelines are available as an eBook for purchase through the IADC Bookstore and include a companion “IADC Cybersecurity Risk Assessment Support Tool.”