News Cuttings
IADC welcomes European parliament’s offshore safety directive
In a news release issued on 23 May, IADC praised the European Union’s authorization of a new directive on safety of offshore oil and gas activities.
The legislation, approved on 21 May, requires operators to submit emergency response plans and hazard reports before undertaking operations, along with evidence that liabilities can be handled.
“IADC worked with the OGP European Union committee on a task force for more than two years to examine successive drafts of this legislation,” said Brian Petty, IADC executive vice president, government and regulatory affairs. “Ultimately, our goal was to ensure that the legislation was framed as a directive, an important distinction that allows member states up to two years to implement it, with flexibility to conform with existing national laws. We believe this is a good outcome after years of hard work.”
It is a challenging effort to achieve a standard and agreeable level of risk across the European Union with respect to offshore oil and gas activities,” said Alan Spackman, IADC vice president, offshore division. “As it is modeled on the safety case regimes in Northwest Europe, this new directive may prove challenging to other European Union members that have not previously adopted this approach. IADC will be working closely with these regulators across Europe toward consistent application of regulatory regimes at their national level.”

IADC Houston Chapter donates $93,750 from annual fundraisers to two charities
On 21 May, the IADC Houston Chapter donated $41,000 to Home Run Hitters International, which creates interaction and meaningful communication for children with disabilities. Money for the charity was raised at the chapter’s annual Dinner Dance on 8 February.
The chapter then donated an additional $52,750 to the Oilfield Christian Fellowship of Houston, which distributes bibles throughout the industry.
Money was raised at the chapter’s annual IADC Oilmen’s Christian Charity Shoot on 8 March.
Well Servicing Committee elects Basic’s Poldrack as chairman
At its 14 May meeting, the IADC Well Servicing Committee elected Trampas Poldrack of Basic Energy Services as its new chairman and Kerric Peyton of Superior Energy Services as its vice chairman.
Committee members also approved the layout and content of the IADC Incident Statistics Program for global well servicing operations. The program will collect cumulative data for alAl participating well service businesses and will provide a comparison benchmark to evaluate performance. All data in the program will remain confidential.
More information about how to participate will be provided in Drilling Contractor when the program kicks off in July.
For more information, contact Scott Maddox at

IADC Southern Arabian Peninsula Chapter hosts gala, golf tournament
IADC Southern Arabian Peninsula Chapter chairman Therald Martin, Noble Drilling, presents awards and prizes to golf tournament winners at the chapter’s annual gala in Dubai in March.
Click here to view video and photos from the golf tournament.