New Halliburton software simplifies well reviews

Seeing the big picture in order to make better decisions is key to successful production optimization. Halliburton recently launched the first edition of its Well Review Management software with the objective to deliver such functionality. Now being piloted, the system is a collaborative workspace application for performing integrated well reviews and is capable of turning a manual and tedious process into a more manageable opportunity. The system was demonstrated during a preview event at Halliburton’s Houston facility on 25 January.
“A recent survey conducted by Landmark highlighted three areas of concern for oil and gas producers: operational efficiency, collaboration and freeing resources for higher value assignments. Our work with major oil companies has indicated that standard, automated work processes can deliver these benefits. In the case of well reviews, each asset has its own unique problems, and the engineers likely utilize applications and data sources that differ from those used on another asset,” Mark Lochmann, director of reservoir and production technology for Halliburton, said.
“Therefore, Landmark began to explore product possibilities that could act as a ‘least common denominator’ solution across assets and companies. Identifying candidates for further analysis and ranking those candidates according to user-defined criteria is a great starting point.”
Engineering and operations personnel who perform detailed well-by-well analysis and report their findings on a regular basis need to identify problems and apply corrective actions and they are challenged by the need to review a larger volume of wells and data from disparate systems. Reviewing well performance is a generally used process to catalog the performance of key equipment, identify under performing wells, evaluate opportunities for improvement through engineering and economic analysis and plan corrective actions.
“Engineers are overextended today. With the increasing emphasis on production, the problem worsens,” Mr Lochmann said. “By automating data collection and preparation tasks and allowing users to build their own criteria for ranking, more scenarios can be run in less time. This means a higher degree of confidence in selecting the highest value wells and a shorter time to find the right opportunities for improvement. The result is an improved level of operational excellence.”
The new software seeks to bring these benefits to this once manual process: faster cycle times from automation and superior data integration, reporting consistency from standardization of the work process, operational efficiency from an integrated workflow environment and rapid scalability.
The Well Review Management software, using a web-based, services-oriented architecture operating on the DecisionSpace for Production platform, allows the user to gather and share well performance information from multiple data sources and quickly understand the condition of an asset. In addition to shortening the cycle time, the software offers a much-sought-after collaborative work environment.