KCA Deutag wins land newbuild contract for Brunei Shell
Brunei Shell Petroleum (BSP) has awarded a contract to KCA Deutag’s land division for the construction and operation of a newbuild land rig in Brunei. Bentec will manufacture the land rig, which will feature a design that aims to improve safety and drilling performance. Drilling is expected to begin in late 2015.
“This new rig for BSP is very high profile within Brunei, allowing exploration and development of deeper horizons,” said Andy Hendry, President of KCA Deutag’s land division. “Given the desire for best in class drilling efficiency and safety, we are extremely excited to be partnering with BSP on this project and continuing to deliver world-class performance. This is a very significant land drilling contract for KCA Deutag, and I am especially proud of the many employees and functional teams that contributed to its award.” KCA Deutag currently operates one 1,500-hp rig in Brunei, the T-201