MariEnergies announces an oil discovery at exploration well Shawal-1

MariEnergies made an oil discovery resulting from its exploratory efforts at Shawal-1 well, drilled in Mari Development & Production Lease located in Sindh Province. MariEnergies is the Operator of Mari D&PL with 100% working interest.
Shawal-1 well was spud-in on 27 January 27 2024 and successfully drilled down to the total depth of 1,136 m into the Ghazij Formation. The well produced 1,040 barrels of ~ 30 deg API oil with 12% BS&W along with 2.5 MMSCFD of associated gas during well test, with WHFP of 953 Psi at 32/64 inch choke size.
Faheem Haider, MD/CEO MariEnergies said that the company now plans to appraise this discovery to prove its extent and evaluate its development options.
MariEnergies is an integrated exploration and production company, currently operating Pakistan’s largest gas reservoir in the Mari D&P lease area, Daharki, Sindh. With around 23% market share, it is the second largest gas producer in the country.