Halliburton launches new coiled tubing services to optimize well interventions, completions performance

Halliburton introduced the Spectrum Real-Time Coiled Tubing Services on 22 March at the 2016 SPE/ICoTA Coiled Tubing & Well Intervention Conference & Exhibition in Houston. This suite of services is designed to deliver more accurate and more complete downhole measurements with better reliability.
The Spectrum services comprise two offerings: Spectrum Diagnostic Services and Spectrum Intervention Services. These services integrate Halliburton’s coiled tubing with downhole measurement tools, fiber-optic sensing and telemetry to deliver complete and accurate real-time data. Operators are better able to minimize uncertainty, assess reservoir performance and monitor wellbore conditions, helping to significantly improve well intervention operations and production.
“Whatever is happening downhole, you can see on location at surface, while you are completing the job,” Eric Holley, Product Line Manager, said during a press event at the conference. “We can actually watch completion stimulation efficiency in real time. We can monitor what is happening downhole and articulate that back to the operator to tell them how effective those stimulations have been.”
Spectrum Diagnostic Services delivers fiber-optic distributed sensing through coiled tubing to assess well productivity and completions effectiveness by identifying fracture initiation points across the wellbore and profiling production. An alternative to traditional production logs, the services can monitor a time series of data across the entire wellbore as opposed to single snapshots in time. Applications for these services include determining stimulation cluster efficiency, fracture mapping, production profiling, leak detection and assessment of wellbore integrity.
“The focus is understanding how we can use fiber-optic enabled coiled-tubing data to accelerate the engineering learning curve,” Mr Holley said. “What we mean by that is, how we can take actual downhole data and evaluate it, and be able to make decisions on the next well to improve overall stimualtion design and overall production performance,” he said.
Spectrum is a service mark of Halliburton.