Yinson’s FPSO Atlanta achieves first oil

Yinson Production’s FPSO Atlanta achieved first oil on 31 December 2024. A 72-hour test has been completed and final acceptance has been obtained from Brava Energia. This marks the commencement of the project’s firm charter, with contracted day rates being paid to Yinson Production for a period of 15 years, until 2039.
FPSO Atlanta is the third asset in Yinson Production’s fleet to operate in Brazil after the successful delivery of FPSO Maria Quitéria in October 2024 and FPSO Anna Nery in May 2023. It is a redevelopment project awarded to Yinson Production by Brava on 21 February 2022 as an EPCI Project. In July 2023, Yinson Production exercised its option to purchase FPSO Atlanta, which includes a 15-year firm plus a 5-year option contract for the supply and operations & maintenance with a total contract value of up to $1.9 million.
FPSO Atlanta will operate in the Atlanta field in the Santos Basin offshore Brazil. The FPSO has a production capacity of 50,000 barrels of oils per day and a maximum storage capacity of 1,200,000 barrels.
The vessel will feature an efficient carbon management process plant, which uses fuel gas for cargo tank inertization that will significantly reduce flare gas emissions through a closed flare system. The plant introduced is a part of Yinson Production’s continuous sustainability efforts in reducing carbon emissions and makes Yinson Production the frontrunner in decarbonizing the FPSO industry towards the goal of net zero.