Criterium Energy spuds MGH-43 in Indonesia

In its latest operational update, Criterium Energy confirmed the spudding of MGH-43, the first of two planned and operated infill wells to be drilled from a new well pad within the proven onshore MGH Field in Indonesia in what the company is calling its 2024 Program.
The 2024 Program intends to access untapped areas in the MGH Field, targeting multiple pay zones within the Talang Akar Formation (TAF). The Fluvial Deltaic reservoir within the TAF features 20–25 m of net pay, with 10–20 percent porosity and 50–100 millidarcies of permeability on average.
The MGH Field and the planned infill locations are mapped on 3D-seismic and located less than 1 km from a central processing facility, mitigating risks related to potential deliverability and access to markets.