Maersk Training launches simulation facility in Houston

Maersk Training has officially opened its Houston simulation facility. A ribbon-cutting ceremony was held on 19 November, attended by senior executives from major oil companies, offshore drilling contractors, maritime companies and service companies. “Our Houston simulation facility has always been a big cornerstone of Maersk Training’s global growth strategy,” Maersk Training CEO Claus Bihl said. “We want to create a step-change in the level of competence in the oil and gas industry, as well as in the way competence is developed and improved, by influencing how the industry work with safety and operational performance.”
He added: “Our main focus will be on operational simulation and integrating human factors, including teamwork, procedural discipline, communication, decision making and situational awareness – all of this with the aim to safeguard and improve safety and productivity.”
Earlier this year, BP signed a five-year global agreement with Maersk to provide additional advanced training for its offshore rig crews. “This facility represents an important investment in our people and in our future,” said Gary Jones, head of BP’s Global Wells Organization. “Our safety and operational performance depends on high-functioning, integrated teams. These programs will continue to develop the talents of BP’s global offshore workforce and the contractors we work with as part of our commitment to safe and reliable operations.”
The advanced simulation complex allows oil and gas companies to test planned operations in a life-like but safe simulated environment, making sure that crews are optimally prepared before they engage in the actual operation. This will help to increase safety, save time and help the crews be better prepared to handle unexpected events. The hands-on, scenario-based training goes beyond traditional classroom training and allows teams to practice events and joint procedures together as an integrated unit, rather than as individual contributors.