Ace Oil Tools releases Ace Control Line Clamp for well construction market

Ace Oil Tools has launched its new Ace Control Line Clamp (ACLC) to the well construction market. It was designed to improve safety in offshore operations by enabling automation during the installation of control line clamps. The design ensures the it semi-automates the control line process, reducing the need for workers in the red zone by 50% and the time spent in the red zone by 30%.
The technology delivers a high axial and radial holding force of more than 40 tonnes and is deployable on any current rig. The ACLC is partly pre-installed on the tubing. When running in hole, the retention lid is placed in the installation tool to catch the control line when the tool moves toward the tubing.
The pre-installed parts of the ACLC can be fitted onshore, or on the pipe deck, and is based on the Ace Ratchet Collar (ARC), a stop collar that provides a cost-effective alternative to centralizer subs.
Ace Oil Tools is also designing a fully automated installation version for the ACLC that will eliminate overhead hazards and personnel in the red zone.
“We have long recognized that one of the most critical parts of well construction is the completion phase, alongside the installation of control line clamps, and this solution will help to streamline that process,” said Espen Sørbø, CEO of Ace Oil Tools.
The ACLC solution has already been comprehensively tested and exceeds product qualification requirements defined by Equinor.