2024IADC, Regulation, and LegislationJuly/AugustSafety and ESG

2023 ISP report shows marked improvements in LTI, recordable rates despite rise in manhours

Industry steps up its safety game – delivers 30% decrease in LTI rate and 23.9% decrease in recordable rate, while fatalities fall from 15 to 10

A total of 10 fatalities were reported through the IADC ISP in 2023, with exposure to gas and slip/fall each accounting for three of the fatalities.

The global drilling industry was able to show improvements across three major metrics in 2023 – incidence rates for lost-time incidents (LTIs) and recordable incidents, as well as fatalities, according to the most recent IADC Incident Statistics Program (ISP). Globally, the LTI rate fell from 0.20 in 2022 to 0.14 in 2023, which is a 30% improvement. The recordable rate fell from 0.67 in 2022 to 0.51 in 2023, a 23.9% improvement. 

LTI and recordable incidence rates for both the onshore and offshore segments are trending positively compared with 10 years ago. Onshore has reduced its LTI rate by 37.5% in that time period, while offshore has pushed its LTI rate lower by nearly 59%.

The number of fatalities reported also dropped from 15 in 2022 to 10 in 2023. Offshore Europe and US land each saw three fatalities, while the Middle East had two fatalities on land and one offshore. Africa land accounted for one fatality.

Globally, onshore operations reduced their LTI rate from 0.28 in 2022 to 0.20 in 2023, a nearly 29% improvement, and their recordable rate fell by nearly 25% from 0.89 to 0.67.

Offshore saw their LTI rate fall from 0.09 to 0.07, a 22.2% improvement, while its recordable rate improved by 21.6% from 0.37 to 0.29.

The data represent 71 drilling contractors reporting on nearly 377.7 million manhours worked in 2023, compared with 76 contractors reporting on nearly 330.1 million manhours in 2022. The IADC ISP calculates incidence rates based on every 200,000 manhours.  DC 

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