Sneak Preview: Pride Lescar facility underscores company's commitment to training
An expanded version of this article will appear in HSE Corner feature in DC’s September/October 2009 edition.
Click below to view exclusive video of Pride’s new training facility and an interview with Lescar training manager Alain Jost.
Pride International’s commitment to training runs deep, a company culture in a land where learning runs back through the centuries. In the land where the Marquis de Lafayette, America’s great friend, reportedly trained, Pride International tore down its decades-old training center and there, like the proverbial Phoenix, arose a new and better facility.

The new training center in Lescar, France, represents a 2 million euro investment, with 300,000 euros contributed by three separate local government agencies. The light, airy structure more than doubles the size of the original, with 1,295 sq m, vs 609 sq m in the old, and five large classrooms and several small ones. The new facility also includes two dedicated spaces for well control and another for the full-size simulator, whereas the original facility boasted only a single combined well-control/simulator chamber.
For practical instruction, the center features an IDECO H35 rig atop a 928-m test well. Students can practice rig-floor and monkey-board operations, as well as well control situations.

“Training has become so critical across our industry, and this facility will be one of the best assets we have to better prepare employees for real-life drilling operations,” said Pride International president and chief executive officer Louis A Raspino, speaking at the dedication ceremony. Mr Raspino serves as the 2009 vice chairman of IADC.
Several speakers representing regional, departmental and local government branches, including Lescar Mayor Christian Laine, also made addresses.
“Furthermore,” Mr Raspino continued, “Pride is proud of the partnerships we have established with the local and regional governments that contributed to this center. We know that, in addition to training a highly skilled workforce, that we also play a positive role in the local economy. We have always felt very welcome in Lescar and look forward to building on our positive relationships.”
Pride’s commitment to training extends beyond Lescar, as well. The company will soon break ground on a new training center in Brazil, and plans are under way to expand training space in Pride’s Houston headquarters to meet ongoing needs.