News Cuttings

IADC North Sea Chapter workshop highlights industry’s mental health challenges
On 25 April, the IADC North Sea Chapter hosted the Mental Health in Energy Workshop in Aberdeen, UK. The workshop was designed to address the current state of mental health among energy industry professionals.
The event began with a panel discussion on topics like the definition of mental health, whether there are positive changes in this area in the industry, and how companies and leaders can better support the workforce in regards to mental health. The panel was followed by interactive sessions with attendees.
Prior to the workshop, the North Sea Chapter issued a white paper (“Changing Minds: Saving Lives – An urgent new approach to mental health in the North Sea”) highlighting the ways to best support the mental health of workers in the UK Continental Shelf.

DrillingIn video series features drilling fluids processing book
As part of the IADC Technical Publications Committee’s DrillingIn book review series, Chairman Fred Growcock interviewed Samuel Bridges about his new book, “A Practical Handbook for Drilling Fluids Processing,” co-authored with Leon Robinson.
The book provides a reference for drilling fluid and mud engineers to safely understand how the fluid processing operation affects the drilling process. Agitation and blending of new additions to the surface system are also explained.
Click here to watch the DrillingIn book review series interview with Samuel Bridges.
Q1 2023 ISP report shows 284 recordables globally
The Q1 2023 report of the IADC Incident Statistics Program (ISP) recorded 284 total recordable incidents across its nine reporting regions (Africa, Asia Pacific, Australasia, Canada, Central America Caribbean, Europe, Middle East, North America and South America).
The US registered the most recordables, with 143. Of that total, 126 recordables occurred in land operations and 17 were offshore. The region saw 57 restricted work/transfer (RWTCs) cases, 49 medical treatment only (MTOs) cases and 37 lost-time incidents (LTIs).
Africa registered the second-highest total recordables, with 58 (56 land, two offshore). Of those, there were 34 RWTCs, 15 LTIs and seven MTOs. Africa was one of only two regions to record a fatality in Q1, which occurred in land operations; Europe was the other, with one fatality recorded offshore.
Click here to access the full IADC ISP Q1 2023 summary report.