Kebabangan Cluster PSC operatorship transfers to ConocoPhilips

PETRONAS, through Malaysia Petroleum Management (MPM), marked a milestone in the strategic development of the Kebabangan Cluster Production Sharing Contract (KBBC PSC) with the official transfer of operatorship to a subsidiary of ConocoPhillips.
The transfer took effect on 21 January 2025, making ConocoPhillips the sole operator of the KBBC PSC. Previously, the KBBC PSC was operated by Kebabangan Petroleum Operating Company (KPOC), a joint operating company comprising subsidiaries of PETRONAS, Shell and ConocoPhillips.
With an export capacity up to 750 million standard cu ft/day, the continuation of the KBBC PSC until the end of 2050 and other commercial agreements have been structured to ensure future gas field developments remain economically attractive.