Drilling Rigs & AutomationNewsVideos

Data-driven decision making can help operators maximize value value from the well

One of the biggest questions facing the drilling industry in recent years is how can drillers best derive actionable insights from the significant amounts of data coming from the rig and downhole? At the 2024 IADC Advanced Rig Technology Conference, Subodh Saxena, Senior VP at Canrig and Nabors Drilling Solutions, said that data can be a “great equalizer” in helping drillers make optimal decisions onsite, allowing operators to unlock greater efficiencies from their wells. Speaking with DC from the conference following his keynote address on 28 August, Mr Saxena explained his definition of what data-driven drilling is, as well as the individual and collaborative mindsets within a company that can help enable it. He also discussed how a thorough understanding of data-driven drilling can help drillers better incorporate automation into their operations.

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