Petrobras, Ecopetrol confirm gas discovery in Colombia

Petrobras and Ecopetrol confirmed Colombia’s most significant gas discovery ever by drilling the Sirius-2 well.
The Sirius-2 well started being drilled on 19 June 2024. It lies inside the area of the maritime block GUA-OFF-0, 77 km off Santa Marta in the country’s north, at a water depth of 830 m. The assessment of the Sirius-2 well results confirmed local volumes of over 6 trillion cu ft in place.
Natural gas production is projected to start within three years of securing all environmental licenses, aiming for a 2027 launch if the discovery proves commercially viable. Through four producing wells in an innovative design “subsea to shore,” the expected production is roughly 13 million cu m per day for 10 years.